White & Blue
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  2. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
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  3. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
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  3. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
  1. Timepieces
  2. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
  1. Timepieces
  2. Pocket Watches
  3. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
  1. Personalised Gifts
  2. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
  1. New Collection
  2. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
  1. Timepieces
  2. Pocket Watches
  3. Albert Chains
  4. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue
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  2. Groomsmen Gifts
  3. Albert Pocket Watch Chain Fulcrum White/blue

A contemporary take on the classic Albert chain: machined for perfect weighting to ensure vertical hanging, with knurled edge details and a richly textured white and blue insert. The ideal complement to your pocket watch, and a striking point of detail on waistcoat or jacket lapel. 

Chain Length: 220mm

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Tel: +44(0)1349 884111

Email: mailorder@dalvey.com

Dalvey, Alness, Highland, Scotland, IV17 0XT