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  2. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
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  3. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
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  3. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
  1. Accessories
  2. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
  1. Accessories
  2. Pocket Squares
  3. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
  1. Sale
  2. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
  1. Gift Sets
  2. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
  1. Gift Sets
  2. Apparel Gift Sets
  3. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot
  1. Shop by Occasion
  2. Wedding Gifts
  3. The Groom
  4. Pocket Square Gift Set - Pindot

An ideal gift for the discerning man.

Set of three silk pocket squares.

Crafted in pure silk with hand-rolled edges, our pocket squares are the perfect gentlemen’s accessories. Used to match the details of an outfit or in contrast, pocket squares are perfect for creating an accent with a subtle point of flair and differentiation.

Size: 35cm x 35cm

Tel: +44(0)1349 884111

Email: mailorder@dalvey.com

Dalvey, Alness, Highland, Scotland, IV17 0XT