White | Stainless Steel Detail
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  2. Grand Odyssey Clock White
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  3. Grand Odyssey Clock White
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  3. Grand Odyssey Clock White
  1. Timepieces
  2. Grand Odyssey Clock White
  1. Timepieces
  2. Desk & Travel Clocks
  3. Grand Odyssey Clock White
  1. Personalized Gifts
  2. Grand Odyssey Clock White
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  2. Retirement Gifts
  3. Grand Odyssey Clock White
  1. Timepieces
  2. Desk & Travel Clocks
  3. Classic Clock Range
  4. Grand Odyssey Clock White

Redesigned in refined black, chic white and a richly opalescent blue, the Grand Odyssey Clocks offer a rich, substantial presence through intricately textured faces, deep-engraved detailing, exceptionally crafted badges and ergonomic engineering.

Size: Diameter: 3.93" Height (open): 3.85"

Battery: LR44

Tel: +44(0)1349 884111


Dalvey, Alness, Highland, Scotland, IV17 0XT